
 Kindergarten - Where Little Stars   Shine

 Our Kindergarten utilizes the A Beka curriculum, a   Christian based program that was established in 1954. In   addition to Reading and Math, the curriculum also   includes Health, Safety & Manners, Social Studies,   Handwriting, Bible & Art. Your student will be inspired to   learn, grow and develop in God’s word and be   challenged  as they receive teacher directed lessons and   instruction. Our tuition prices are extremely affordable,   and we offer an “all inclusive” program. Tuition for   kindergarten includes before & after care. We have on-   campus activities for holidays and non- school days for a   minimal charge. Space is limited and will be filled on a   first come basis.

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Kindergarten Supply List

Our Teachers Devote Their Time to Nurture the Development of Your Child's Individual Strengths

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